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Email to database - a sigh of relief and source of delight today

Three Sun Possums has the best customers! I sent the annual email to our mailing list this morning. I have a strong aversion to the constant virtual bombardment our email accounts are subjected to, so stick hard to the one email per year policy. Facebook and Instagram are there if people are interested in finding out more. Anyone feel the same way? Maybe it's just me! So when it came time to write & send the email with all the news about the Limited Editions and Eclipse adult tops I have been worrying for weeks about it - is it too long, too much detail/not enough, is it okay to send photos as attachments, pretty much everything. I pressed 'Send' this morning and almost instantly received this beautiful email back:

"Love it! We get positive comments continuously when my children are out at parks/play dates in their tops from you and I’m constantly recommending you to these impressed parents. Will get on and order more ASAP. Thanks Michelle."

Getting this message allayed all my fears that my email was spam. Just one person saying they appreciated it was enough! When I wrote to that customer telling them what a difference they'd made in my day they sent back these fun photos of Three Sun Possums at play! Absolutely love it. And there's more to this story, there always is with me :). The title of her email with the photos was 'Tops in action' and I nearly fell off my chair. Before I came up with the name 'Three Sun Possums' the working title for my dream of long sleeve, lightweight cotton kids clothing was....'Action Tops'. All my original files & documents are titled 'Action Tops'. Not the most inspiring name, but it summed up what I wanted to achieve. And there it was - in black & white this morning, sitting in my in box - coming right back to me!

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