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Inspiration needed

Although winter is starting to grip in many parts of the country, here in Three Sun Possums land we are starting to develop dynamic plans for next spring and summer. Some exciting new directions are planned. Can’t wait to share them with you.

But as a priority I’m asking for your ideas and thoughts…..

Top secret – in conjunction with local private health care providers (think GPs, dermatologists) we want to run some free pop-up skin check 'clinics'. The idea is to run these pop-up skin checks where families with children under 5 years old are already present. Encouraging families to think about skin care and sun safety.

Help needed…..

-Suggestions on venues/events. Where in this ‘sunburnt country’ should we have these skin checks?

- When, within Sept – Nov period. If not at a particular event do you think regular week day/weekend/school holidays/etc is best?

-Contacts as any health clinic (GP or appropriately trained skin checker!) who might want to participate.

-What can we call this activity? Got a catchy name for it? 'Free pop-up skin check' sounds dull!

Skin check for sun safety

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