What dark background colours do you want?
Thinking ahead to next summer….what dark colour do you want for Popsicle top?
This year the Popsicle tops with coloured backgrounds outsold tops with white backgrounds. You loved the white boats on blue background, white boats on green background and smiley sharks on navy. Dark colours provide better protection from UV rays – so well done you Sun-Savvy shoppers!
Next year I’d like to add another dark colour background to the Popsicle style range.
Question 1: what colour background do you want? Suggest anything, but ideas floating around my head at the moment are a dark rusty red or dark aqua/mint. Could be with a white contrast (the colour of the bikes, boats or sharks), to keep it bright, light and fresh – or maybe you’d like a different colour contrast? eg. rusty red with orange, dark aqua with mint.
Question 2: Should we have the dark background in the bicycle print – currently the only print that doesn’t have a dark background option, or more dark options for boats or sharks? I’d like to keep it to the current prints, as this helps me keep costs down.
Looking forward to reading your ideas. Send me pictures or images you’ve seen online to help me get the idea. One person’s idea of dark aqua might be another person’s sky blue!
Will send a call out shortly for requests for other items. I just need to get my head around these Popsicle tops first!