I’m super-conscious to cover up and protect my own skin from the sometimes vicious Australian sun. I’ve found the most comfortable and effective way to do this is to wear loose fitting cotton clothing. It’s also the top recommendation from the Australian Cancer Council, and what they mean by the “Slip” at the front of “Slip Slop Slap”.
With the arrival of our daughter I started my quest to find sunsmart, comfortable clothing to protect her vulnerable skin - like I protect my own. While hunting for long sleeve, light cotton, summer tops I found other Mums were also desperately looking for sun-savvy clothing. Emmmm.
This got me thinking, and doing, and searching, and more thinking, more doing... and led to the creation of Three Sun Possums. A range of clothing for young children with the primary focus on sun protection - covering up cherished skin from the sun, while still being comfortable in very hot weather. Beautiful to wear, stress-free to put on and take off, with extra details for comfortable play are the leading priorities of our clever design team.
What a dream, to know our children are playing safely in the sun - even if we can’t always get full sunscreen coverage on wriggly shoulders, arms and legs!
Wishing you and your possums fun in the sun,
Michelle xx