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Possum Pants beating mosquitoes in Malaysia
Hear from a customer in Malaysia what she thinks of Three Sun Possums.

Christmas deliveries
Wondering if your Three Sun Possums order will arrive in time for Christmas? Check your expected delivery time by visiting this Auspost lin

Halloween Happiness
A Three Sun Possums Halloween witch! Beautiful photos received from a happy customer.

Limited editions
Limited editions of four prints available now in long sleeve Breezy and Cabana style for girls. Lightweight cotton means she can be cool an

Blue Navy pants - new to Three Sun Possums
Possum Pants are now available in lightweight, cool, navy blue cotton. Sizes 1 - 5 years will have your little Miss or Mr looking sharp and

Perfect soundtrack for today
Organising some exciting limited editions for release this spring. Perfect soundtrack to the photography action.

The smile says it all
Big news for big sizes. While trying on this sample my model's smile says it all. It's a winner! She recommended the style and print...

Breezy Lilac back in stock
Yea - ha we're back in business with Breezy Lilac! We were down to just a couple of items - I think it was about one size one and one...

The end of winter?
I'm not sure, but maybe winter is ending. Winter sports seem to be finishing up, so I'm sure the weather will be changing soon. Maybe...

Mid-winter blues
Anyone else suffering the mid-winter blues? I've been in hibernation, only able to motivate myself with what's directly in front of me....
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